Probate Law

Helping heirs sort through legal issues after their loved one passes away

Probate Law Attorney In Toledo, Ohio

What Is Probate Law?

Probate is a legal process that interprets a deceased person’s will and distributes a person’s assets among their heirs after they have passed away. If the person has any outstanding taxes or debts, the court will use some of the money in the estate to pay those obligations. Probate court is usually a lengthy process that requires appointing an executor to take responsibility for signing papers, attending any required court appearances, and other duties. It’s also a complex process that often frustrates the grieving family without an experienced probate lawyer to steer them through any legal tangles that arise, such as a contested will. Our team of compassionate probate attorneys stands ready to help. Get in touch with our office!

Contact Rubin & Zyndorf to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. 419-830-4088

How Can a Person Avoid Probate Court?

There are legal instruments that can bypass the probate process, provided your loved one has a plan in place before they pass away. Many people choose to create a comprehensive estate plan that includes a living trust, which — with the proper stipulations — can help their heirs avoid the lengthy probate process. If your loved one created such an instrument, our probate law team can help you tie up any loose ends that remain. To learn more, contact our office.

What If My Loved One Died Without a Will?

When someone dies without a will or other legal provisions for distributing their assets, the court will apply state law to distribute the estate to the beneficiaries. Usually, the nearest relative (the next of kin) will apply to become the estate’s representative. Since intestate succession (the legal term for the process of handling the affairs of someone who died without a will) is a more complex process than simple probate, it is advisable for the representative to work with a probate lawyer to sort through any issues. If your loved one died without a will, our team of experienced probate attorneys can walk you through the probate process with the utmost compassion and understanding. To discover what our legal team can do for you and your family, book an appointment with one of our probate attorneys today!

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